Ossagou Orphet Régis
Chef in hotel complex Les Myriades
Born the november 11 1985 in Muilla Gabon. His father was a driver and his mother a housewife
The young Chef is the second of a family of five children with two sisters and three brothers. Régis was always in the kitchen
After his Secondary school classes, he did several Hotel training courses in Gabon with internships and different jobs in renowned hotels in the country.
In 2013, Chef Ossagou represented Gabon in a culinary competition in Morocco, where he presented Gabonese dishes to the world in a gastronomic way ,such as the cassava ravioli and other dishes that abounds the Gabonese culture.
He finished 3rd place in this competition out of 10 countries, this competition helped him to rub shoulders with chefs like Hicham Abou, Hamed and many others.
In 2015, he participated in a competition in Gabon where he came in 1st place, and was rewarded by the minister of culture in Gabon.
Chef Régis is married and a father of four,two girls and two boys. After his culinary journey,he is recognised as a talented professional in Gabon. He recently took part in a national duel where he came out winner.
Chef Ossagou’s vision for this noble profession is to transmit his knoothers to others with all humility, because to him cooking is a gift from God.