My name is Souleymane Diallo,I’m 23 years old and of Guinean origin and I live in Abidjan.
My passion for cooking began from a very young age with my mother and my uncle who was a holder of a small African restaurant. I most often was present in the kitchen after school to help in everything that they did because I thought that I would one day take over.
With the thirst to learn more about cooking and without the means to register in a hotel institution I traveled to Mali in 2013 where I was privileged to learn culinary arts from Chief Mamadou N’diaye and Chef Maiga at the restoration palace Bamako and mali brioche. These years of service with them made me to be sure I can always move forward in what is a passion for me.
With my curiosity and my very strong ambitions , I left Mali in August 2016 to Côte d’Ivoire for more knowledge and discovery, currently I work in the residence of Franck ping the son of Jean ping, the Gabonese political opponent. As a young African chef my deepest wish is that we produce what we consume and vise-versa in order to give value to our local products and my goal is to reopen my parents restaurant and share my knowledge to the future African leaders.