I am called Gnamien Olivier Kabestrand Kouadio.I am 29 years old and I am an Ivorian resident in the capital city, Abidjan.After my secondary education,I got into the hospitality industry where I obtained a licence in Hospitality management,a Diploma in Pastries and Food styling.
I always love to say my passion for cooking started in my mother’s womb,because she use to run a Restaurant called ”Feu de Bois”.I discovered my grandmother’s method of cooking with smoke and different traditional foods at a very tender age.Chef Axel Niangrah Oriented me towards enrolling into a Pastry school in 2004.I discovered my passion, and had the certitude of becoming a Chef in the midst of world renowned chefs.I attended the following institutions where I obtained the aforementioned certificates;
Ecole de boulangerie-Pâtisserie,Lycee hotelier d’Abidjan,CBCG de Cocody.
At the level of my professional experience,I worked with SOPACO,Hotel President,Yedcor,Restaurant de la collectivité de IAO Bassam, TOA a gastronomic restaurant,Restaurant de collectivité INPHB Yamoussoukro, Le Crystal, and Bache verte.I also occupied the functions of a production consultant, motivational speaker trainer at Coqiver, Unilever Niger,and Voodoo Group. I was a commis in a gastronomy kitchen at Hotel TIAMA and later became chef, consultant in Restauration and Food stylist at Regie Indenie.
I have worked with some Ivorian chefs like chef Axel,Eby,Kanga, Kouao,Pascal,Etienne,Yapi et Ekanza.I have had the opportunity to rub shoulders with some French chefs like Chef Frederick,Julien ,Guillar et Piguet.
I am presently the president of Alumni of Hotel students in Ivory Coast,and also the initiator of hotel schools competition in Ivory Coast and Eby D’or.
Ever since the first flame was lit in the world, humans realized everything can be transformed’
African gastronomy has a lot of potential to be exploited like that of Europe and Asia.chefs like Dieuveil Malongo,Ekanza,Loic Diable and Djedje to name a few, have inspired me with their philosophy.
As a food stylist,I highlight African dishes and I create concepts that valorizes Africa.I work with agricultural structures in the promotion of agricultural products.I think it is important to start uniting chefs of different countries and regions together, with the aim of creating platforms ,workshops and Lexicons.It will be a interesting to reward African talents and create competitions that centers around our profession